#everyones reactions last time were so cute and motivating hehe
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around and around - five
pairing: cho seungyoun x reader, kim wooseok x reader
au: idolverse
warnings: none
wordcount: 4.6k
description: you’ve had a one-sided crush on your close friend seungyoun for who knows how long, but things don’t stay so black and white when he introduces you to his new groupmate kim wooseok.
*sent image*
everyone look at our baby seungyoun at this photoshoot manz looks a fool
I think hyung looks good though?
Hansol can you read the mood. She’s trashing Seungyoun-hyung because he actually looks good
Oh ya I see it now
y/n y/n y/n where are you
dont leave me alone here with these boring men
You sigh, reading over the recent messages in your friends’ group chat. Shaking your head slightly, you set your phone down in your lap, watching through the large mirror in front of you as your hairdresser lays the bleach onto your hair.
“I’m surprised you finally agreed to going blonde!” she says, looking excited to do something more interesting with your head. You tend to stick with a darker look, because it’s easier to take care of.
“I just want a change,” you tell her, smiling.
And it’s true.
You almost feel like one of those girls who has gone through a crazy breakup, and does something drastic to her hair to try and cope emotionally.
You’re just not going through a breakup, and also not doing it yourself so you don’t piss off your management.
You glance down at your phone again and see a few more texts.
Boring? BORING?
boring boys can you tell me if it’s just me who thinks seungyoun and y/n are acting weird
this is a necessary callout bc its making me feel uncomfy
Do you have to make them feel awkward…
so you DO agree
I never said that
I agree
They keep ignoring us in the gc
Whichever one of you shows up here first is not a loser
boy are you 12? tf kind of tactic is that
There’s nothing wrong. Sorry I haven’t kept up much with you guys the past couple of weeks!
“tF kInD oF tAcTiC iS tHaT”
You read over Seungyoun’s message a few times, your eyes drawn to his name, to his contact image. It’s one of the only pictures of him that you’ve taken yourself- from one of the first times you’d even met him. He put on these dumb sunglasses and pushed his hair all the way back and flat against his head. It looked stupid, but at the time you thought it was funny and endearing enough to set at his photo.
There’s nothing wrong.
For some reason, you can’t bring yourself to believe that he actually feels that way.
You still feel sick to your stomach when you think back to his expression that night, when you told him you didn’t want him to take you home. Not that you didn’t want to be taken home… that it was him that was the problem.
He’s probably confused.
But you can’t explain it. You can’t.
“I think a more silvery blonde will look good on you,” your hairdresser chirps, cutting into your thoughts. “Would you be open to that?”
“Oh, sure,” you answer, knowing your voice sounds a little half-hearted. “Can you cut some layers too? I’m curious what that would look like on me.”
“Totally!” she says, folding up a foil. “It’s going to look so good!”
A few hours later, when your new hair is completely bleached, toned, colored, cut, and blow-dried into a flowy and shiny curtain of silver-blonde, you post a picture of the new look on your instagram, feeling a little better from seeing yourself look so different.
You turn to see your group members, who all came from the dorm to get you from the salon so you can all get lunch together.
Eunmi oohs and ahhs at your hair, running her fingers through it. “It actually looks soft!”
“That’s what happens when you don’t bleach the shit out of it like me,” Jiseo says, pinching a piece of her own hair, currently a faded minty green color, and cringing at it.
“Yeah, you should cut it, Unnie. Your ends look bad.” Soohyun says to the oldest, who sticks out her tongue.
“Now three of us are basically blondes,” Eunmi pats your head. “I’m the only brunette left.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N won’t last long,” Jiseo jokes as she takes your hand, slotting her fingers in the spaces between yours. “She’s just going through emotional turmoil.”
“I am so not,” you mutter as the four of you start walking through the building towards the parking garage.
“Y/N-unnie isn’t going through emotional turmoil, she’s just trying to look good for her new man,” Soohyun says, snickering even before Eunmi and Jiseo snap towards you, eyes wide.
“What?” Jiseo exclaims, and all you can do is glare intensely at Soohyun.
“That is also not accurate,” you grit your teeth as you talk.
“It so is,” she sing-songs, swinging her bag in front of her as you all keep walking. “His name is Kim Wooseok. Don’t worry, he’s handsomer than Cho Seungyoun.”
“Don’t say that about Seungyoun,” you tell her with a frown, but she just shrugs.
“It’s not like I called him ugly.”
“Isn’t Kim Wooseok his groupmate?” Eunmi wonders aloud, seemingly over the fact that Soohyun referred to him as your man.
“Yeah,” you answer simply.
“Is that who you’ve been meeting up with the past few weeks?” Jiseo asks, which nearly makes you jump out of your skin, stopping in your tracks with wide eyes. Your leader glances over at you, a knowing smile on her face. “Y/N, did you think I didn’t notice you sneaking out whenever we had time?”
“I…” you trail off, a little embarrassed. “Um… yeah… I thought that.”
“Ooo-hoo-hoo!” Eunmi grins, and shoves you gently. “So it is like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like that,” she says suggestively, and you smack her arm.
“No, it’s-”
“Y/N-unnie sends him selfies,” Soohyun adds, making you groan and the other girls ooh and ahh even more.
“Yah, L/N Y/N!” Jiseo physically grabs and shakes you, her lips pulled into a wide smile. “I know as a leader I should scold you, but this is great news. You can finally get over Seungyoun.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” you whine, throwing your head back in frustration. “We are just friends!”
“Oooookay,” Jiseo hums, as you all exit the building into the parking garage. “Anyway, check out this spot I got. Someone was leaving right as we came in.”
“Lucky,” you comment as the car comes into view, glad of the change of topic.
The four of you get into the car, you and Soohyun automatically going to the backseat as you have done since the very first time you all went somewhere together.
You glance down at your phone as the girls start discussing where you should go to eat, and are surprised to see another notification from your groupchat.
*sent image*
so y/n can post on insta but not respond to her best friends i see how it is😔
Woahhhh Y/N your hair
you can compliment but she’s not gonna respond😭😤
You sigh, your front teeth latching onto your bottom lip.
You feel bad, to put it plainly.
It’s not like you’re intentionally trying to ignore all of your friends… you just feel uncomfortable talking when you know Seungyoun will read it.
thanks vernon :)
sorry weve had a lot of shoots and stuff recently i dont have much time to be on my phone
She’s alive
wait y/n are you sleeping and eating :(
you were sick
im ok
take care of urself and ur new awesome hair girlie
sure thing
You turn your head to see Soohyun looking over at you, her brows furrowed. “You look stressed.”
“...No,” you smile, shaking your head. You reach over and take her hand, squeezing it. “I’m totally fine.”
“And then they made me wear this,” you find the picture you’d been looking for in your camera roll and turn your phone around, displaying the bizarre outfit you’d had to wear for a recent magazine spread. “Like, what is that? I’m embarrassed that documentation of this even exists.”
“It’s not that bad,” Wooseok hums, taking a bite of his cake. He does it delicately, and with a degree of elegance, like he does pretty much everything.
You huff, turning your phone off and setting it down on the table. “Well, thanks, I guess. I’m still in shock though.”
“By the way, Y/N,” Wooseok starts as you dig your fork into your own dessert, lifting a sizable chunk of the cheesecake to your mouth. “Why do you keep asking for me to meet up with you?”
You frown as soon as the words leave his mouth, setting the fork with your cake back down on the plate. “What?”
He shrugs, but it almost looks tense. Wooseok avoids meeting your eyes as he talks, instead trailing his fork around on the plate in front of him. “We agreed on me not spying on Seungyoun for you anymore. That was the whole reason we met up and ate together, but you’ve still been contacting me.”
You lean back in your chair, regarding him with furrowed brows and teeth latching onto your lower lip. “I don’t… are you saying it’s bothersome to meet up with me?”
Wooseok’s eyes flash up. “I didn’t say that. I’m just-”
“Well it feels like you’re saying that.” you cut him off, grip on your fork tightening as you look down at the table. “You could have just turned me down if you don’t like seeing me.”
“You’re not a bother, Y/N,” Wooseok says, and since you can practically hear the apology in his voice, you glance up to meet his gaze. It’s one of the few times you’ve seen him truly frown. “I shouldn’t have said it that way. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t really know what you’re trying to say,” you mutter, looking away again. “I didn’t just cut you off after the ‘no more Seungyoun updates’ thing because I like you and I want to be friends with you. Sorry if you didn’t feel that way.”
“Y/N-ah,” Wooseok says, clearly trying to get your attention, but you ignore him, because you feel a little hurt. “Y/N-ah. That’s not what I meant.”
“Okay, then what did you mean?” you ask, knowing bitterness is seeping into your tone.
“I just thought that… you might be trying to make up for asking me that favor in the first place.” at this, you look up, confused. Wooseok fidgets a little, which is uncharacteristic for him. “I could tell that you were feeling uncomfortable about it that day that I came to get you from Jimin-ssi’s place. I thought you might be feeling guilty, so I was going to tell you that you didn’t have to be.”
“...Oh.” you say.
It’s quiet for a second, because as a somewhat emotional person, you need a moment to recover from what you thought was about to become a total betrayal of your friendship with Wooseok, and you think he might feel a little awkward.
After you’ve had a minute to contemplate what he just told you, you sit up and take that bite of cheesecake you’d been preparing before, looking at Wooseok with all (probably not all, realistically… but most) of the distress wiped from your face. “You’re kind of right. I did feel guilty about it due to certain circumstances, but that’s not why I keep in touch with you. I just like you. And it’s fun having a friend that isn’t friends with the rest of my friends.”
One corner of Wooseok’s lips turns up, in that almost smirky way that he often does. Subconsciously, you think. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“...Can you apologize one more time though? Because that kind of upset me for a second.”
At this, he chuckles quietly. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
About twenty minutes later, after Wooseok has documented the outing with a picture of you and the food (he says he likes doing that because he can’t post pictures of most of his idol friends on social media) you leave the dessert cafe and head out onto the streets of Seoul together. You’re in a quieter area with a lot of parks, but since it’s nighttime, there’s not many people around aside from the occasional group of teenagers or drunk couple.
Eunmi is currently covering for you by having told your manager that the two of you went out for dinner together even though she’s actually just at her brother’s house, so you’ll have to meet up with her soon and go home. But for now, you’re enjoying walking around in the cold air with Wooseok.
He’s been quiet for a few minutes, though, and you’re considering questioning it when he finally speaks up.
“I know you said that day that you didn’t want to talk about it,” Wooseok starts, looking straight ahead as you two walk through a park. “But I can’t lie that I’m not curious. What made you not want to hear about Seungyoun anymore?”
You glance over at Wooseok, biting hard on your lower lip. You’re not sure if you really want to say.
He looks to the side to meet your gaze, and holds it. “He’s seemed uncomfortable too, the past couple of weeks. He was in his room when I got back after taking you home that night, and Seungwoo-hyung said he went straight there when he came back to the dorm. Did something happen between you two?”
You tug on your fingers, pulling at the fabric of your gloves, and look away from Wooseok, coming to a stop. “Not really. I mean, a little bit, but it wasn’t like…”
You sigh, feeling without being able to see the judgemental look Wooseok is definitely giving you right now. “Basically, Seungyoun-oppa brought a girl with him to this get-together thing. I didn’t even know he was coming so it was kinda a shock, but she seemed nice and Jimin-unnie even said they were friends so I went with it. But this girl got me alone with her at one point and asked…” you sigh again, clasping your hands together. “She wanted me to pretty much do what you were doing for me. See what Seungyoun was saying about her, get him to like her and make her look good to him. I guess that… it just made me regret having asked that of you. Maybe it’s also because I was kind of drunk, but I almost threw up, too.”
“...Oh. I see.” Wooseok says plainly. You glance up to see his expression, expecting the judgemental look, but he just looks… concerned? “You never asked me to make you look good to Seungyoun, though. You just asked me to tell you what he says about you. Those are different.”
You shrug. “I guess. It felt the same, though. That’s why I wanted to tell you that you don’t have to anymore right away. And I really wanted to leave. There was no way I was going to be able to hang out with this girl after she told me that she’s in love with him.”
“In love with him?” Wooseok scoffs. “What’s her name? That seems dramatic to me.”
You crack a smile. “Her name was Sahee.”
Wooseok gives an unimpressed look. “Well he’s never even mentioned her, so I doubt that she’s that important to him.”
You shrug again.
After a moment, Wooseok continues. “So nothing happened at all between you and Seungyoun?”
You rub your arm, sending a grim smile his way. “Geez, you really want to know, don’t you?”
He tucks his hands in his pockets. “It’s just that I can tell something is weird between you two, and I don’t even see you at the same time.”
“Well, it wasn’t much,” you say, accepting your fate and just deciding to tell him. “Sahee must have told him I was feeling sick, so he came to check on me, and wanted to take me home. I told him I’d take a taxi… that was after I texted you. He was insisting at least on taking me downstairs but I didn’t really want to see him in that moment, plus it’s not like I was actually planning on a taxi, so…” you shake your head, sighing once again. “I don’t know. I guess I kind of hurt his feelings in the process.”
“If you were rude to him you should think about apologizing,” Wooseok says bluntly.
Wow. Absolutely no mercy.
“Yeah, I mean… I figured…” you mumble, crossing your arms. “I don’t really know if it was rude though. It was more like… uncalled for.”
“That means rude in most people’s vocabulary,” Wooseok says with a sigh, then starts walking again, which means you have to as well to keep up. “Anyway, he keeps being mopey so even if you don’t apologize, text him or something.”
“Can’t you tell him to text me first?” you mutter, not intending for Wooseok to hear, but you guess that he does by the glare you see him shoot you from your peripherals.
You groan. “Okay, maybe tomorrow. No promises though.”
“You’re such a kid,” Wooseok says, but when you look over, he’s smiling. “Want a ride home?”
“You don’t have to,” you say, but he shakes his head.
“Just accept. I’m avoiding going back to the dorm for as long as possible because Eunsang and Dohyon decided they wanted to host a ‘video game night’, and I don’t want my ears to bleed from the inevitable noise.”
You laugh loudly, already being able to imagine how much that would get on a lowkey person like Wooseok’s nerves. “Alright then. I’ll accept the ride home.”
You have a preliminary recording session the next day for your group’s next album, which is set to come out in March. Jiseo wanted you all to come in just to check out the current tracklist the company has agreed on and maybe start recording some vocals to see if it feels right.
You’ve been at it since the morning, and now that it’s lunchtime, you’re sitting in the room connected to the studio with the girls, who are all on their phones like you. You finished eating a while ago, and now you’re just staring at the messages you have with Seungyoun. You’ve never deleted his tab on your phone, so if you scroll up far enough, you’d be able to read the first ever text you sent him. Which was, if you remember correctly: “Hi Seungyoun-sunbaenim! It was nice to meet you :)”. That was the day after you were first introduced.
You sigh, setting your phone down and dropping your forehead to the table.
“What’s up with her?” Jiseo says with her mouth full.
“Maybe you were right about emotional turmoil,” Eunmi muses.
You lift your head up. “Do you have to gossip about me when I’m right here?”
“Duh.” Soohyun says, so you reach over and smack her arm (gently, you may add), which she whines dramatically at.
“What? Did something happen with Kim Wooseok yesterday night?” Eunmi asks, and you groan.
“No, unnie. Can you stop trying to act like he’s my boyfriend?”
“No, I cannot,” she responds, sticking out her tongue.
“Leave her to her emotional issues,” Jiseo says, once again through her chewing. “Eunmi-yah, Soohyun-ah, let’s go back in since you’re done eating. Y/N-ah, just come when you’re ready.”
“Thanks, unnie,” you tell her honestly as she leads the other girls out of the room, Soohyun scrunching up her nose at you before she closes the door.
You grab your phone again and look at the screen.
It’s been a while since you last texted Seungyoun. Not since November. It hits you that it’s been months since you had a real conversation with him, and you feel bad all over again.
Hey :) I just wanted to say sorry if I was acting weird at Jimin-unnie’s house that one time. I felt really sick and I think the alcohol was getting to me.
You type out the message, but your thumb hovers hesitantly over the send button. You end up pressing and holding on delete until the whole thing is gone.
Oppa, sorry for being rude that night. I wasn’t feeling well.
You read that one over a few times, and delete it too.
Seungyoun-oppa, I can’t remember well, but I think I was kind of rude to you that day at Jimin-unnie’s house. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it
You bite your lip, and then in a sudden moment of “who gives a fuck”, just hit send.
And then immediately groan at what you’ve done.
“Dumbass,” you mutter to yourself. “You remember everything.”
With a shake of your head, you get up and start gathering the takeout your group members had left on the table, probably thinking they’d just clean it up after. You throw everything that’s empty away, and then close up the containers of what isn’t done, stacking it in the middle of the table.
And then your phone starts ringing.
You nearly knock over the stack of styrofoam boxes it surprises you so much. You hurriedly walk back to where you were sitting, and pick up your phone, going cold when you see who’s calling.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your screen enveloped by that dumb picture of Seungyoun in the glasses. At least he’s just calling and it’s not Facetime.
You hit answer, unable to actually miss his call on purpose, and bring the phone up to your ear. “Hello?”
“Y/N-ah?” Seungyoun’s voice sounds out immediately, and the tension in your body skyrockets as you sit back down in your chair. “Is this a bad time?”
“No, I have a few minutes,” you answer, glancing through the window in the door to the recording studio, where you can barely see Jiseo and Soohyun with headphones on, Eunmi most likely recording some background vocals.
“Oh, good,” he breathes. “You… you got home okay that night?”
“Yeah, um, there were tons of taxis around,” you nod even though he can’t see you.
“Good,” Seungyoun repeats. “Were you really sick? Or did it pass the next day?”
“I think it was just the alcohol,” you try to reassure him. “I hadn’t drank for at least a month before that.”
“You don’t always drink like that, right?” he asks, then sighs, almost sounding a little strained. “It kind of worries me.”
“Why would you worry about that kind of stuff?” you ask, frowning. “You know I don’t get drunk easily.”
“Yeah, but look at what happened,” Seungyoun retorts. “You looked like you were about to pass out but you didn’t even want me to take you home. Someone in their right mind doesn’t act like that if they’re not totally wasted.”
You nearly let the words slip out: “There was more to it than that”.
But you snap your mouth shut before they do.
“I just feel like…” Seungyoun sighs again, sharper this time. “You never let me be worried about you. You brush it off every single time. It’s frustrating, Y/N.”
You’re at a loss for words.
Just... what?
“That’s not-” you start, then let out your own sharp sigh. “I don’t see how that’s a bad thing, though. You already have so many things going on, and I don’t want to be a burden, so-”
“When did I ever say that you’re a burden?” Seungyoun exclaims, interrupting. “You just assumed that! It’s like you want to be friends, but you don’t want me to actually care about you or be there for you!”
“That is not true,” you snap, your grip on your phone tightening. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Seungyoun.”
“I know exactly what I’m talking about,” he responds, note of frustration evident in his voice. “You haven’t been the same the past few months. You just haven’t.”
“Whatever,” you say, knowing it’s bratty. “You think you know everything but you can’t even see how oblivious you are.”
You know you’re edging on dangerous territory here, but the way he’s talking to you is making a frustration at him swell up that you’ve never felt before.
“Oblivious?” Seungyoun scoffs, a sharp laugh following. “Come on, Y/N.”
“What, you think it’s funny?” you question, hearing the hostility in your voice. “Did you stop to wonder what your friend Sahee was saying to me on the balcony? Did you even notice we were out there together before she went to tell you I was sick?”
“What are you even talking about?” he asks. “This isn’t the point right now-”
“It’s exactly the point, you don’t think you’re oblivious, but you were friends with her for years and never noticed that she’s in love with you!” you snap, your voice rising in volume over the sentence.
Seungyoun is silent after that, and the sense of regret starts to seep in instantly as you realize what you’ve done.
“...What did you say?” he asks, his voice quiet this time. “Sahee told you that she’s in love with me?”
You don’t answer, but he must take it as a yes.
Seungyoun is quiet still, but you can picture him, wherever he is, throwing his head back, pushing his hair through his fingers in agitation.
“Fuck,” he finally mumbles.
“I’m sorry,” you say, your voice small as your throat starts to close up. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No fucking kidding, Y/N,” Seungyoun says sharply. You can hear his grit teeth through the closed sound of his words.
You breathe in a heavy breath, trying not to start crying even though you can feel the tears welling up. “I’m sorry. Oppa, just pretend I didn’t say that-”
“L/N F/N,” he says, and you stop immediately. “Just don’t.”
You sniffle, holding the phone away from you so he can’t hear you as the tears start rolling down your cheeks.
“Fuck,” you hear Seungyoun repeat. “Fuck, I can’t believe this… all that time and she never told me?”
You hold back a sob, almost choking on it.
It almost sounds like he’s talking about you.
This is why he can never find out.
This is why you’ll never be able to tell him.
You let out just the first broken part of the kind of shuddering breath you take when you’re crying, and Seungyoun’s mumbling stops.
“Shit, Y/N-ah? Are you crying?”
You can’t find the voice to answer him, just trying hard not to openly cry.
“Y/N-ah,” he repeats. You hear Wooseok’s voice in your head from yesterday. Y/N-ah. That’s not what I meant.
“Y/N-ah, please don’t cry. Fuck, fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” you manage to get out, your voice tight and thin.
“No, it’s okay,” Seungyoun says quickly. “Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, I’m just shocked, listen, it’s okay, okay? Y/N-ah, don’t cry. I swear I’m not mad.”
“I’ll hang up now,” you say, taking another shuddering breath. “Please don’t tell Sahee I told you.”
“Don’t hang up,” Seungyoun scrambles to tell you. “L/N F/N, please don’t hang up right now-”
You pull the phone away from your face and tap the red button, and set it facedown on the table. It starts ringing again right away.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Jiseo’s voice sounds out from the doorway to the recording studio. You look up, and she gasps. “Yah, Y/N! Why are you crying?”
“Unnie,” you whimper, wiping at your eyes. “My heart really hurts right now.”
“Hey!” Jiseo shouts into the other room. “Everyone get in here!”
She walks over to your, pulling another chair up and quickly wrapping her arms around you, the ringing of your phone becoming background noise. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
It doesn’t feel okay to you.
You are still in love with Cho Seungyoun.
And he will never know.
#cho seungyoun x reader#kim wooseok x reader#x1 x reader#x1 imagines#x1 scenarios#x1 imagine#x1#x1 angst#x1 fluff#x1 au#cho seungyoun#kim wooseok#fic#aaa#yall wanted angst... YALL GOT ANGST#ask and ye shall receive#was debating combining this with next chapters plot buuuuut this way it is more like the usual chapter length#and you guys get to read it sooner!#everyones reactions last time were so cute and motivating hehe#hope you enjoy this chapter!#let me know in my ask box whether youre team SY or team WS haha
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These Entangled Paths (pt 2) | mafia!bts reaction
[How You Met] — Hyung Line
— “Well, look who I ran into,” crowed Coincidence. In which, you cross paths with a man, who, unbeknownst to you, holds the city by the neck in fear. Your life will never be the same.
Word Count: 4,775 (i-it’s longer than the prev one haha (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ can’t you just tell I’m a slut for hyung line) Content/s: oblivious!y/n, mysterious/sus behavior from the boys (esp yoongs and joon here) lol, meet-cutes?? FLUFF, crack, feels, JOON is called JOHN bc haha, u have an annoying ex here :DDD, blood, sTAB sTAB, cursing, Mafia AU
[masterlist] | more [reactions & headcanons] | [Maknae Line]
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMASSS!!! (it’s xmas now in the ph hehe) Ah yes, nothing spells Christmas like a Mafia AU reaction :DDD (im not feeling particularly festive I’m sorry AHWHAHAh) anyways HERE IS HYUNG LINEEE!!! I hope you guys enjoy reading this!!

You were a simple woman. You see an irrevocably handsome man, you respectfully simp from a distance. The stranger had broad shoulders and a gentlemanly aura to him. You caught a glimpse of his face at some point, and you were so taken aback by his beauty that you had to step away and duck somewhere else, intimidated by being in his beautiful presence.
How could you dare approach him, too?
Compared to the man’s clean, business casual look, you were currently dressed in sweats and a three-day old oversized hoodie at the peak of lazy and unkempt comfort. You like to think that you dress up quite nicely, but it was a Friday, after all. You had to stay cozy and laidback after a long week of hustling.
Deciding that was enough simping for the day, you head to the cashier with hopeful wishing of seeing the man again when you’re in a more decent get up.
When you got there, there was no line. It was late, you suppose, and that would mean there are only a total of three people in the store. The young lady at the counter gives you a tight-lipped smile and a not-so-enthusiastic ‘good evening’, but you don’t mind at all. You understand the hustle of having to deal with different people throughout the day.
You then notice her glancing behind you in between scanning the chips and cookies you were stocking for movie night. There was a sparkle of awe in her once tired expression, and it sort of bums you. Taking a sneak peek behind you, you nearly had a heart attack seeing the handsome stranger you were gawking at earlier.
Alas, you were not as discreet as you had hoped, seeing as your little crush catches you and was amicable enough to give you a small smile. You manage a smile back, but instantly whip back towards the cashier who was still stealing glances. If you weren’t so embarrassed and flustered yourself, you would’ve chuckled. Girl, same.
The last of your items were going through, and you fiddled with your hoodie as you waited. “Here you go,” she actually smiles at you this time after finishing your groceries. Ah, so the handsome man has given her motivation. Understandable.
You take the two bags waiting for you to bring them home, attempting to balance them in your arms. The stranger moves forward to help when one bag nearly slipped from your grasp. “Thanks,” you politely smile back at the both of them.
Mayhaps doing your bi-weekly grocery shopping had its perks after all.
“Everyone put your hands up!”
Or not.
Not even making it three steps from the counter, two men with guns barge into the doors. Startled, you jump, bumping into the man behind you and almost dropping your goods, had it not been for him catching you by the arms with a secure grip. You throw a glance at him with your wide eyes, alarmed with the situation at hand.
Everyone is suddenly so awake and alert.
The one with the grey hoodie sees the lack of response. “I said put your hands up!” he barked aggressively, as the black masked one focused on the poor cashier girl, telling her to empty out the cash register.
Having no chance to retaliate, you shakily set your bags down and to follow the muggers’ orders. "Give me your wallet," you were told, and you hand it over with shaking hands, choosing to be broke and alive rather than dead.
Bad luck doesn't run out soon, however, and the thin gold bracelet your grandmother gave you catches his eye. "Give me the bracelet, too," he tells you, but, this time, you shake your head profusely. You can't. She was the one who raised you—your last family.
Everything happened quickly.
You feel the pain shot through somewhere in your shoulder and wrist. Someone had pulled you aside but the bullet still struck you. As you fall onto the linoleum floor, you realize it was the stranger from before, and he doesn't stop his advances in saving you either.
With a quick but precise hit, he manages to incapacitate the hooded robber, knocking him out on the ground with a bleeding nose, and takes the gun from his hold. He points it at the one guy left before looking at the cashier. "Call the cops," he tells her, before hitting him too.
The wound on your left shoulder hurts like hell, but you nonetheless crawl towards the first unconscious robber and hesitantly fish your wallet from him. A few tears run down your cheeks, the weight of the events crashing down on you.
"Are you alright, miss?"
You look up and see the savior of the grocery store before you with his hand extended out. Coming back to reality, you see that he and the cashier have tied one of the robbers up already.
Reluctantly, you use your right arm, but still bite back a cry in pain. You were instead propped against the counter. "Breathe," he tells you, putting pressure against your wound to stop the bleeding. "The ambulance will get here soon. Don't worry."
His words, however, barely register as you watch the cashier tie the last masked man behind him. Suddenly, you feel a gentle caress on your cheek, turning your head away from that sight. "Hey, what's your name?" The man asks you, plump lips forming a small smile.
"What?" you ask, incredulous.
The stranger chuckles a little at your expression. "Come on," he insists.
You soon realize that he's keeping you occupied for the time being. You give a wry smile. "(Y/N)," you hiss at a sudden shot of pain, "My name is (Y/N)."
He smiles more at the progress. "What a pretty name, (Y/N)," he tells you, as the faint sound of sirens reach your ears. "My name's Seokjin. You can call me Jin."
"Are you a doctor, Jin?" you heave.
"Sort of," Seokjin shrugs, brushing back a part of your hair that flew over your bloody shoulder.
"Sort of?"
Seokjin goes silent for a few moments. "I was a med student, but I…" he trails off, "I had to drop out."
You notice him holding back a grimace, but you don't say anything. "Oh," you give him a playful yet tired grin, "I don't have to pay you, do I?"
As the paramedics rush in, Jin walks alongside them as they assist you to a stretcher. "I'd do anything free for a pretty lady," he muses, making you half-heartedly roll your eyes in spite of the smile on your face.
"Sir, I’m literally bleeding, right now.”

Train rides were relatively peaceful, especially when you were on your way to the countryside.
However, just as the train’s low rumble almost began to lull you to sleep, the sound of someone rummaging through something woke you up. You open your eyes and see a man with dirty blond hair going through the bag of the passenger you had seen sitting by himself earlier. The man from before was a pale, platinum blond guy in a hoodie, certainly not whoever this man is.
With the owner currently nowhere to be seen, you took it upon yourself to do the questioning. “Excuse me,” you cautiously began, craning your head and clutching your own messenger bag, “what are you doing, sir?”
The man almost jumps at the sound of your voice. Fortunately, with your sudden intrusion, he wasn't able to get anything from the bag. “I’m getting something for a friend,” he curtly says, “he's in the bathroom.”
You knew for a fact that the pale man earlier was alone, and while his last statement may be true, you could sense something awry. Could he be a snatcher or something?
Nonetheless, something in you urged you to save the bag from him. “That's cool," you quip, standing up, “he’s my friend, too. What are you looking for then?”
The both of you know that the other is lying, and so a glaring battle ensues. You weren't as intimidating as the man before you, but you held your ground and took the bag in your hands. “Don't meddle with someone else's business, lady,” he tells you, taking a step forward in an attempt to intimidate you.
You must admit, his towering build and inked skin does the work, but the adrenaline rushing through your veins makes you reckless. “Take your own advice, big guy,” you force a smile, strengthening your grip.
Just then, an attendant comes by, sensing a commotion in your area. “Is everyone alright in here?” she asks.
You take the chance as it has presented itself. “Yeah,” you lie through a smile at the young woman, “I was just about to go.”
It was fortunate that the man didn’t seem to want to draw anymore attention towards him. You were able to slip past and almost bolt through the train section, hugging both your bag and the stranger’s. You have no idea why you were doing this. Yes, you’ve experienced getting robbed on a train before, but to run off with a person’s bag makes it feel like you’re the thief around here.
You stagger back as you bump into someone, only to realize that it was the owner of the bag himself. He looks at you suspiciously once he recognizes his bag in your hands. You were quick to offer him his bag and explain yourself to him. “Someone,” you wheezed, “tried to—to steal your bag, sir.”
His eyes followed your finger down the compartment where you both sat in earlier. Something seems to click in his head. “What did he look like?” he then asks, wordlessly taking his bag from you.
You huff, leaning against a wall to compose yourself, exhaustion from the panic and escaping taking a toll. “Tall, dyed dirty blond hair, there,” you take a deep breath, “there was a snake tattoo around his neck I think?”
The man hisses under his breath, before stealing a glance at your hunched figure still trying to catch your breath. “Are you okay?” he asks, securing his bag by shoulder.
“Yeah,” you attempt to grin, only for it to become a grimace. “Just a little shaken.”
Watching as the man was still throwing cautious glances at where you came from, you took the chance to explain yourself a little more. “Snatchers suck, been there before,” you tell him, “I didn’t want the same thing to happen to you so—”
“Fucking bastards,” he suddenly cursed, making the words stop from your mouth.
“What?” you ask, offended at first, but you notice his attention still wasn't on you. Turning around to follow his gaze, you see the man from before, only this time he brought two of his friends with him. “Oh no,” you gasp, “that’s him.”
Fingers enclose around your wrist just as the intercom announces the arrival at the next station. “Come on,” the stranger ushers you with him, and amidst the rushing people, you two try and lose your pursuers. Your heart beats faster than ever.
For a moment, you thought that the two of you were meant to leave the train with other passengers, but instead, he pulls you into a bathroom. Even as the train departs once again, the two of you stay and keep quiet, the distant chatter of people filling the already awkward air between you both.
With the silence so stifling, you decided to break it. “I’m (Y/N),” you whisper, taking a good look at the stranger you just got into trouble with. He almost looks like a cat—seems like a cat, too.
“Yoongi,” he simply says, scratching behind his ear.
You don't mind his reclusive nature, but you were hoping for a bit more assurance. You understand the need to hide, and the weight of the situation still worries you. “I’m…” you murmur, “I’m not getting into trouble, am I, Yoongi?”
Yoongi looks at you, and a second passes as he seems deep in thought. “No,” he finally says, “don’t worry.”
The moment he took to answer your question brewed a little doubt in you, but the way he said those words with such finality has urged you to take a leap of faith. “Okay,” you say, a little relief kicking in.
The man before you nods, before pushing himself off the wall he had been leaning against. “I’ll get out first,” he tells you, doing as he had said and leaving you to wait in anticipation.
A moment later, a knock comes onto the door. “Coast is clear,” said his muffled voice from the other side, and you exit as the intercom announces that the train is about to reach the next station.
You look up at him with a small smile. “The next station is my stop,” you tell him, “I hope you get home safe, Yoongi.”
“You too,” Yoongi gingerly nods, before turning to leave. He seems to pause at the last second, however, turning to look at you over his shoulder. “Thanks,” he tells you, “for saving my bag.”
That day, you got off that train thinking it's been the closest thing to an adventure you've had in a while, heart pounding from the adrenaline and a certain stranger.

To say that you had very good luck with love would be a lie. You’ve fallen out of love, been toyed with, been ghosted—even the man you had thought you would one day marry had turned out to be a cheater.
You loved Seungyoon with all of your heart. He was your college sweetheart and the two of you even moved to the city together for your respective professions, but that was in the past—six months ago, to be exact.
Six months ago, you found out he had second thoughts about getting married and cheated on you for several one night stands.
Six months ago, you were running to your friend’s house, crying hysterically after you confronted him and he hit you.
Six months ago, you were greeted by him and his mother begging you to forgive him, and you were proud to say that you didn’t.
Else, you’d be dealing with worse things than now. He was a sweetheart before, but now he’s a scumbag.
“C’mon, (Y/N), hear me out,” Seungyoon whines as he follows you through the streets, having waited outside your new workplace. You have no idea how he managed to find out, when you cut him off of your socials, moved to the other side of the city, and got a new job.
You say the first thing that pops into your head—a complete and utter lie, but you hoped it’d work. “I have a date to go to, Seungyoon,” you tell him, rolling your eyes. “Leave me alone,” you practically beg, “I’ve moved on, so should you.”
This seemed to anger him, as he harshly pulled you back by the arm. “You don’t actually have a date right, sweetheart? You just got off of work!” he grins, but it falls as you only glare at him and force your arm out of his grip. You don’t bother telling him anything anymore, whipping around and walking as fast as you can.
You hear him following you still. His shame still hasn’t ran out, it seems. “Don’t go ignoring me, (Y/N)!” he calls out after you. “(Y/N), you can’t just leave!”
“Watch me!” you bark back, quickly walking towards the nearest restaurant to prove your point. The reasonable side of you retaliates, but it was too late for you to go back now, lest Seungyoon was still looking at you and sees through your lie.
As soon as you enter, you make eye contact with a man sitting all by himself by a corner. His eyes grow wide a little as you continue your march towards him. “Hi,” you force a sweet smile, “please play along.”
The stranger looks at you still, eyes flickering behind you which makes you aware that Seungyoon is still there. You take this as another sign for you to go the extra mile, and sit yourself in the seat before him. There was a certain cold in his eyes, you notice, in the last few seconds of his stare on Seungyoon. It sends shivers down your spine, but you can't really blame him. You were there interrupting his day, after all.
Just as you began to regret your reckless actions, the man eases back to his seat and gives you a smile that takes you aback for a moment. Where did all that intimidating vibe go?
He flags down a waiter, who wordlessly hands him a menu. The red leather and gold details compliment the whole restaurant —compliment him—while you in your white blouse and pencil skirt feel rather dull and simplistic. “What’s my role then, sweetheart?” he then asks, offering you the menu as the waiter pours you a glass of wine. “Lay it on me.”
You flinch at the nickname, which the man before you notices, a light tug down at his lips appearing. You persist, taking the menu from his hand. “We’re on a date,” you declared, before grumbling under your breath, “because my goddamn ex can’t take a hint.”
Your impromptu date chuckles as he must’ve heard the last words. “Ah, pesky boy problems,” he muses, nodding before sipping at the wine glass he had been served. His gaze tingles your skin as he watches you open the menu. “I recommend the steak,” he suggests, but soon waves it off, “Everything’s great, actually. I know the head chef. He’s fantastic.”
Nodding nonchalantly, eyes go wide at the prices you see before you. These are going to burn a whole through your wallet and then some. “So you’re rich, hm?” you playfully muse, trying to hide your shock and grimace. “What a score I’ve landed with a date like you.”
He leans forward a little, giving you a reassuring smile. “There’s no need to worry,” he hushes you, “I’m your date. I’ll take care of it.”
Shaking your head, you refuse to be more indebted to him than you already were. Maybe you’ll just have to be a little careful with money for a few weeks. “It’s alright,” you insist, waving your card. “I’ve bothered you enough already.”
As the two of you stare one another down, he has this calculating gaze that considerably intimidates the utter stubbornness of your own. While your expression pushes forth your decision, he looks as though he's weighing in a lot of thoughts.
Eventually, he concedes into your stare with a shrug. “Alright,” he sighs, but negotiates instead of giving in. “How about we split?”
The idea doesn't sound too bad. As long as you don't go ordering anything too expensive or try for dessert, then you could handle the conditions. “Deal,” you grin, easing back into your own seat.
It then came to you that introductions haven't been made yet. You just busted in and sat yourself down. “I’m (Y/N), by the way,” you tell him, “(Y/N) (L/N).”
He smiles, tilting his glass as if to toast for you. “Jung Hoseok,” he tells you, a spark of something in his eyes.
You don't think much of it, turning to the waiting waiter by your table. “I’ll, uh, get that steak he talked about,” you point out with a smile, looking back at him only to see him taken aback but amused. “What is it?” you ask incredulously with a little chuckle.
Hoseok snaps out of it, giving you a reassuring smile as he does. “Nothing,” he tells you, “I was just thinking about how I did not expect my day to go like this, but I don’t mind it at all, to be honest. Some company is always appreciated.”
Your heart warms a little at his words. “I don’t mind it at all, too,” you beam, sipping at the wine. A bougie dinner, a handsome, rich date, and no Seungyoon? You don’t mind it at all.

You weren’t the most proud of the town you settled in, but you didn’t really have the money and guts to go anywhere else at the moment. Alas, a lot of trouble comes in such a town—like a bleeding man by the dumpster at the back of the cafe you worked at.
The sight of him nearly makes you hastily throw the garbage bag onto the dumpster and rush to his side. “Oh my god,” you gasp, shocked to your core to see so much blood this close.
Somehow, you manage to get yourself together and lightly tap his cheek, making his eyes sluggishly flutter open. They pierce through your soul, and make your heart beat faster. “Sir, can you hear me?” you ask, “I’ll call an ambulance.”
A weak hand stops you from fishing your phone from your pocket. “No,” you receive a groan in response, and you don't know whether to feel relieved or more panicked.
“What do you mean no?!” you exasperatedly exclaim. “You’re bleeding!”
The stranger still shakes his head. “Don’t,” he weakly insists, “they’ll find me.”.
Though you have no idea who he was talking about, his state still falls into your hands now that you’ve seen him. A recklessly hasty plan forms in your mind. You knew a thing or two about first aid. You could do this, right?
I don’t fucking know! Let’s just wing this!
You take a deep breath and rest your hands on the man's shoulders. "Hey, do you think you can stand up?" you then ask him, getting ready to support his weight. "I'll get you into the back room, but I need your help, okay?"
The stranger manages to nod, grunting at the strength he had to exert to stand. You quickly wrap your arms around him and guide him to the backdoor of the cafe. It was fortunate, somehow, that it was well over closing time and your coworker had to leave early.
You rest him on the floor for a moment, rushing to fetch the first aid kit after instructing him to keep the pressure on his wounds. He’s still there when you come back, now jacketless, and eyes more open as he scans his surroundings.
Flashing him a quick smile, you kneel back at his side. As your fingers hesitate to unbutton his shirt, the stranger does it for you. There are shallow cuts, but deep cuts too. “Do you know someone who might be better at patching you?” you ask him to keep yourself busy, a blush forming on your cheeks. “I only know a little bit about first aid.”
A hiss comes from his mouth before he can answer, as you had begun disinfecting the wound on the back of his shoulder. You give him an apologetic glance and wordlessly offer him a towel to bite on, but the stranger refuses. “I do know someone,” he answers your question instead.
“Would you like to call them then?” you offer, earning a subtle nod this time. Handing him your phone, you continue your attempts as he dials a number.
“Hyung,” he greets, “Yeah… they surprised me, but I’m fine now…”
His conversation goes on and you do your best to mind your own business as you notice him using vague words to keep his own business confidential. As the call ends, however, you watch in horror as the man slams your precious phone on the ground repeatedly until it flickers for a few moments and dies. "What the fuck?!" you gasp, your bandaging coming to a stop as you’re overcome with the urge to smack him. "What did you do that for?!"
The stranger was quick to shush you. "Keep your voice down," he groans, clutching himself as if to protect himself from your wrath.
Venom drips from your words. "You broke my fucking phone, asshole," you snap, swatting at him. "I’m helping you."
Goddamn it! You would've just given him the landline at the counter if he was going to demolish it afterwards!
He catches both of your wrists and manages to hold onto them with a firm grip. "I can't risk it," he tells you, matching a stern, almost authoritative gaze to your furious glare.
You falter at the implication of his words. “Can’t risk what?” you question, but he doesn’t budge, and instead occupies himself with taking care of the other wounds you haven’t patched yet. Your heart races in his silence as the panic starts to set in. "Please, answer me."
Helping out a stranger is something you would never regret, but just what was this man bringing with him? You had expected a mugging, but the sinister mystery of his circumstances tell you otherwise.
The stranger sighs, making you sense a bit of his guilt. “The people that did this to me might trace it to my friends,” he simply tells you. “You’re better off not knowing the rest, trust me.”
His words, as they turn out, don’t do much to ease you. “Shit,” you grit through your teeth, falling back on your butt as you process what he said. What did I just get myself into?!
Sensing your heaving breath, the stranger rests both his hands on your shoulders. “There’s no need to worry, (Y/N),” he tells you, shaking you a little to get his words through.
Your eyes widen at your name falling from his lips. "How did you—"
"Nametag," he answers curtly, the two of you glancing at the item pinned on the left side of your chest. The stranger lets your shoulders go as he goes back to dealing with his other wounds. “I return gratitude generously,” he tells you with a smile that reveals dimples on his cheek. “No one will harm a hair on you. I'll buy you a new phone, too."
His promise does well to calm you a bit. "You're still an asshat for breaking my phone, John," you huff, starting to inch back into helping him. "You have no idea how many months I spent saving for it."
"John?" was his incredulous question.
A light chuckle escapes you. "John Doe," you tell him, as you start on the gash on his stomach. "You know, the name they use to refer to an unknown man," you further explain, "I figured you wouldn’t give me your name."
John leans back and laughs a little himself. "Ah, clever,"
The idle chatter continues as you both work on his injuries, until, eventually, you make him sit on a stool so you could mop up the bloody mess he left behind. While you were out to get rid of the bloody towels, however, you see a car pulling up in front of the cafe with two men stepping out of it.
Immediately, you ran back inside. "There’s a car," you tell John as soon as you could.
A deep furrow becomes of his brows. "How many men are there?"
"Two," you pant, "a tall guy with wide ass shoulders and another with muscles."
John lets out a chuckle, and his ease easily transfers to yours too, as a faint knock comes onto the backdoor. You hesitantly opened the door for them, and you were greeted by the men you saw earlier. They look at you expectantly and you throw a glance at the man you've haphazardly bandaged up.
The wide-shouldered guy checks your bandage work as soon as they come inside. He must’ve been the ‘someone’ that John told you about earlier. “It’s the best I could do,” you nervously tell him, scratching the back of your neck, but you were given an assuring smile.
“It’s alright,” the man tells you as the younger guy goes to easily assist John. “You did a decent job.”
You muster a smile as you guide them out. The car wasn’t far, presumably because they were told that you had taken him through the backdoor of the cafe. "Good riddance, John," you then tell the stranger you had patched up. “Don’t bother coming back with blood on you.”
John laughs, while his two friends are confused with what you called him. “Noted,” he playfully salutes, a thankful glint in his eyes as his parting looms over you both.
Just as the car door was opened for him, he looked back at you one last time. “I’ll get you that new phone, I promise,” he tells you, making you laugh a little.
“You better,” you half-heartedly retort, and while the better of your judgement tells you otherwise, a part of you does hope to meet John again.
#bts#bts au#bts mafia au#bts reactions#bts fluff#bts writing#kim seokjin x reader#bts kim seokjin x reader#bts jin x reader#kim seokjin fluff#bts jin fluff#min yoongi x reader#bts min yoongi x reader#min yoongi fluff#bts suga x reader#bts suga fluff#jung hoseok x reader#bts jung hoseok x reader#bts jhope x reader#jung hoseok fluff#bts jhope fluff#kim namjoon x reader#bts kim namjoon x reader#bts rm x reader#bts rm fluff#kim namjoon fluff
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it's the same anon from earlier, can I request nct 127 reaction to playfully slapping their s/o's butt, and then getting surprised when their s/o whimpers/moans?
It only took like two weeks, and this is the worst thing I’ve ever written on here. It will flop like crazy, too, but this literally took so long to write. Plus, it was so hard to think of a scenario for everyone. At the same time, though, I thought of so many new ideas for stories in the future, hehe...
Oh, and these also vary in length. If one of them is really short, I probably wrote that one first, trying to keep everything condensed. I did Winwin’s and Taeil’s last, and I stopped trying to keep it short...as you can tell.
For the record, it was impossible not to clown Taeil following his awkward session with Jeno. You were being so annoying, but you couldn’t stop laughing for the entirety of both videos. You asked Taeil if you had to make sure that Jeno wouldn’t steal him away from you. Time and time again, you pulled the “Oing,” hoping he’d say Aing.”
At first, he was really bashful and giggly about it. He’d enjoyed spending time with Jeno, but it was admittedly pretty awkward, as it was supposed to be. As he reported, “It was awkward, but it was okay.” However, at points throughout the day, you’d bring up an action of Taeil’s during the video that he may have forgotten, or one that he’d wish to forget.
He was patient, but it got to the point where he had to right-out ask, “Y/n, can you stop bringing that up? It’s not as funny as it was earlier.” His voice couldn’t have been sweeter, and you felt pretty guilty.
“Okay, I’ve been really overbearing. I’ll stop, sorry. Oing?” you asked with a “genuine” smile.
What you weren’t expecting was for him to playfully slap your butt. He said “Aing” in a bored tone, but the action was pretty exciting. At the same time, Taeil wasn’t expecting a whimper to pass your lips at the action. He was so caught off-guard, asking you if you’d done that because of him. He didn’t pursue this new discovery at the moment, but he definitely did later on.
Even though you knew that you were no match for Johnny, you ran away, holding the thermos with his coffee in one hand. The trail upon which you were walking opened up into a large green field, where you could frolick, or in this case, sprint, freely. You heard Johnny yelling your name from not-too-far away, and an involuntary fit of giggles overcame you, causing a falter in your step.
When you looked behind you, Johnny, too, was sprinting towards you. You’d stolen one of the only things he loved more than you, and that was coffee. As a result, he desperately wanted to get his caffeine boost back. You couldn’t have even told him why you stole his coffee -- you just wanted to be annoying, you supposed. It was pretty impulsive.
Eventually, a pair of arms encircled your waist, bracing you from going forwards any further. A squeal left your lips, but you melted back into Johnny’s embrace, allowing him to take back his coffee. Playfully, he lightly spanked you, as if to reprimand you for your behavior.
The contact in such an intimate place surprised you, but you couldn’t say truthfully that you didn’t enjoy it. When you let out a quiet moan, Johnny raised his eyebrows.”My baby liked that, didn’t you? If you enjoy being spanked so much, I’m gonna put that to use later on.”
You’d gotten so riled up just by watching him perform. The demon that possessed him onstage made him wildly attractive and could also make you wildly needy. When you greeted him offstage, he pulled you into a hug, his bright smile lighting up your entire being. When Yuta came into view, you grinned at him and praised his performance, as well.
“Hey,” Taeyong said, “You’re my girlfriend, remember?” His tone was light and playful, clear that he was joking. He left the smallest smack to your butt, kind of sealing his statement. When you let out a quiet moan, Taeyong froze. “Did you just...?”
When your face heated up from embarrassment, your boyfriend smirked lightly, surprised by the effect he had on you. “Hey, you know what seeing you onstage does to me,” you said defensively.
“I guess I might as well help you out with that.”
Leave it to Yuta to know exactly how to turn you on, to know where you were most sensitive. He’d make contact with the places that made goosebumps break out across your skin, the action seeming as subtle as possible to anyone watching. However, Yuta knew that you’d struggle to keep a straight face.
Now, this boy was sick and tired of standing around, watching you talk to the other boys as though you were best friends with them. He was horny, and you weren’t even near him. When you walked over to Mark, he decided that he’d had enough. (Then again, was he more jealous of Mark, for talking to you, or you, for talking to Mark...?)
So when he walked over to you and carefully, lightly brought his hand down on your ass, he meant to simply get your attention. He squeezed the flesh, which legitimately coaxed a moan out of you. Yuta’s eyes were wide when he heard the noise, and Mark immediately coughed and excused himself.
When your eyes met Yuta’s, you knew what you were in for. He was smirking, and he repeated his earlier action, attempting to coax the same reaction out of you. He’d definitely use this to his advantage, turning you on just from his hand on your behind.
This boy would lowkey want to try out spanking you in the bedroom in the first place, but your reaction wasn’t what he’d anticipated.
He was reprimanding you for having not eaten lunch, gently telling you that you needed to eat and keep your strength up, especially while working, Doyoung knew that you were probably sick of his scolding, but he did it because he cared so much about you. If you weren’t going to take care of yourself, he at least was going to try to get you to.
You, however, appreciated his worry, and you honestly found it sweet when he scolded you, looking so worried at the same time. Even still, you wanted him to stop repeating the same point he’d made clear already, so you decided to press your lips against his. He gasped against your lips, which allowed you to slip your tongue into his mouth.
Doyoung broke away, and he lightly slapped your ass. While he said, “You did that just so I’d stop talking, didn’t you?” he heard you let out a needy whimper. He froze for a second, staring at you with wide eyes. “Did you...enjoy that?” When you nodded, he said, “You. Me. Bedroom. Now”
As soon as he’d gotten back, he went to take a nap in your shared bedroom. “Sleep,” you told him, “I’ll have dinner ready for you in a few hours. As a result, he slept, having been awake for about 34 hours straight. The food you were making was cooking in the oven when Jaehyun started to stir.
The first thing he could make sense of was Chungha music playing fairly loudly from the other room. Confused, he got out of bed, not even putting on a shirt, and walked down the hall.The sight he beheld was you dancing to “Play” by Chungha all around the living room. “What a glorious thing to wake up to,” he said as you jumped, scared out of your wits for a moment. “You should be Chungha’s next backup dancer.”
“I will hit you,” you said, walking over to where Jaehyun was standing. You lightly punched his shoulder before burying your face in his bare chest, absolutely mortified. You felt his chest vibrate as he laughed, and his arms encircled you gently.
What you weren’t expecting was him to playfully slap your butt as he said, “You’re so cute.” A quiet whine passed your lips, as much as you hadn’t wanted it to. He knew you were sensitive there, and his action left you wondering what his motivation was.
Quickly, you tried to change the subject. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
But the smirk on Jaehyun’s lips wasn’t faltering. Let’s just say your dinner was slightly delayed...
“Come here,” he said, holding his arms out, as if he was inviting you into his embrace. You, of course, gladly accepted. Sicheng wasn’t always the cuddly type, but when he was, you could swear that you never felt happier. His soft hair tickled your skin, and his arms around you kept you close.
You, however, weren’t in a cuddling type of mood. You craned your neck forward a bit to kiss him, and your entire body melted into him. Hoping the kiss would catch fire, you brought one hand up to tangle in his hair. Sicheng seemed to have been caught a bit off-guard, but he wasn’t by any means showing resistance.
When you rolled on top of him, your knees straddled his narrow hips, and he looked up at you with a surprised expression. In order for him to give you what you wanted, he had to know what it was that you wanted, first. You kissed him, and it was clear that you really wanted something more than this. You deepened the kiss, groaning against his mouth, when Sicheng kind of turned his head, catching his breath.
“Woah, what’s gotten into you?” he inquired breathlessly, but his hands moved to grab your waist, a subtle action showing that he appreciated the kissing.
“Um...I missed you?” At your hesitant answer, he still broke out into a smile. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Not at all. C’mere,” he said again, pulling you closer to him. However, when your lips met his, a hand came down against your butt, and it rested there, something that was so unlike him yet not at all unwelcomed. You whined against his mouth, and you then broke away immediately.
Sicheng didn’t even say a word. He squeezed the flesh of your ass, hearing you gasp. A smirk formed on his lips, which was pretty rare for him, but dang, was it attractive. He pulled you down for another kiss, using this new discovery to his advantage.
When you were with him, Jungwoo always maintained some sort of physical contact with you. He’d hold your hand, have an arm around your waist, or so much as leave a light touch on your arm if he was engaged in conversation with someone else while you were there.
When you were talking to Doyoung, Jungwoo wanted to get your attention. He was standing next to you, and snaking an arm around your waist didn’t even get you to look his way. As a result, Jungwoo lightly smacked your ass. It wasn’t painful, but it was shocking, and you couldn’t truthfully say that you hated it. You let out the quietest whimper, eyes wide with surprise.
Doyoung excused himself, and Jungwoo looked at you with an equally shocked expression as yours. “I...I didn’t think you’d react like that. Not that I’m complaining, though.”
After being together for so long, Mark was less timid when it came to affection, and he’d even initiate it at times. Yuta and Haechan were probably getting jealous at how easily he’d show affection around you, but you found it so endearing and sweet.
So when Mark decided it would be a good idea to slap your ass while you were casually cooking in the kitchen, it seemed slightly forced and hesitant. You weren’t anticipating it, but you, by no means, disliked it one bit. Involuntarily, you let out a small moan, both to yours and Mark’s shock.
You turned your head to look at him, the ramen that was cooking temporarily forgotten. His ears were red; his eyes were wide, and his lips were slightly parted in surprise. “Um. I’m sorry. Was that weird? It was weird, wasn’t it? But why did you moan? Oh, shoot, that was a weird question to ask. I’m sor--”
You shut him up with a kiss to his lips. When you broke away, you told him, “You know, commonly, a person moans if something feels good. Now, what does that tell you about what you just did?”
He’d been at practice all day, from 4 AM to 8 PM, so it was safe to say that Haechan was exhausted. You’d promised to meet him at the SM building with food, but all he wanted to do was go home and cuddle with you, to fall asleep in each other’s arms.
What he hadn’t anticipated was for Jungwoo to follow him to the doors of the company building, discussing the choreography they’d just practiced. What was even more surprising was when you showed up and were included into the conversation. You ignored Haechan’s constant clinging to you, hugging you tightly and nuzzling his head into the nape of your neck.
You moved your hand up to tangle in his soft hair, but you continued your conversation, Haechan, who was tired, frustrated, and clingy, lightly slapped your butt, trying to get your attention. It caught you by surprise, and you let out a little whimper.
Haechan looked at you, removing his head from your shoulder. His lips curled into a smirk, and he said, “So that’s how I can get your attention. Good to know.” Poor Jungwoo just stood there awkwardly
#this took two weeks#nct smut#nct imagines#nct 127 smut#nct reactions#nct scenarios#taeil#taeyong#johnny#yuta#doyoung#jaehyun#winwin#jungwoo#mark lee#haechan
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Run Away With Me
a.n: George Weasley x y/n, a bit angsty with a cute ending. This is the first time I’ve written for George, so please do enjoy, my angels! I wrote it based off the song Run Away With Me by Sufjan Stevens<3 Feel free to request anything, too:) I'm in a very flourishing mood hehe.
George has been distant from you in your final year at Hogwarts, and you’re ready to end it until he asks you a simple yet complex question. No gender is implied and no specific house is implied.
You felt him growing distant from you.
It used to be love notes set on your pillow that were waiting for you at night before you went to bed, with pieces of candy scattered on top just waiting to be indulged in.
It used to be sneaky meet-up dates in the forbidden forest, hoping that no one catches you both laughing hand in hand through nature.
It used to be after-game quidditch kisses. Ones that hit your face hard with lust and passion for that one person- your person.
Now it’s cold pillows that felt worn out because of an absence of parchment and sweets.
Now it’s “next week” dates that end up being pushed to the following week.
Now there are no games because of Professor Umbridge, who banned your lover from his team. Your shared moments were rushed, and with a motive that felt like a hurdle, the passion moving differently between the two.
Ever since Professor Umbridge arrived at Hogwarts, she has made it living hell for any students who disobeyed her. The Weasley twins made her unoffical “kill list,” most likely the two shared her number one spot.
George had been drained. His classes were slipping more than usual ever since she had come. She had kicked Fred and George off their quidditch team, along with banning their products with her Educational Decree #30, declaring that “All Weasley Products Would Be Banned Immediately.”
You were always there for him through these hard times. Fred was able to console on his own, but George on the other hand needed support to get through these hard times and you stuck through it. You made sure that he knew there was someone to help him when he fell.
You had distinctly remembered the time when the Toad, Professor Umbridge, had kept him in detention until twelve in the morning.
You had probably been sitting in the common room for over four hours just waiting for your angel to walk through the portrait hole safe and unharmed, but you knew that your imagination was just a figment of lies.
George finally walked in the common room with his hand in his pocket, passing you completely with his head down.
“George.” You got up from your occupied seat. George turned his head with his eyes brimmed with tears. Your heart shattered at the sight. “Come here, sweet boy.” You motioned with your hands and a smile.
But he didn’t. “George?” He just stared at you with an unrecognized pain in his look, making you shiver a bit from how cold and unexpecting it was. You walked to him with your hand still reached out going towards the one in his pocket, but he wouldn’t move it.
“George, just talk to me, angel. Let me help you.” You put an arm to his chest and ran it up to his shoulder, to finish at his chin. You tried pushing it up but he was committed.
You removed your hand immediately and you were visibly just as hurt. Your boyfriend of four years was being stubborn and distant. And now, he wouldn’t even let you help with what you both had gone through multiple times before.
“Don’t you remember last time, when it was my turn to write, ‘I will not act with misfits?’ Do you remember, sweet boy? Do you remember how deep it was in my skin, how you helped me take the pain away from that stupid, stupid quill? Let me do the same for you, please.” You were being patient with him, but you were beginning to be pissed off.
“Godric, George, just look at me.” The sudden removal of his hand from his pocket revealed what he was hiding. You took his hand and looked up at him before flipping it over to read what cruel thing she had made him do.
Deep marks of the line, “I will become nothing” was etched into his skin, leaving you at a loss for words.
You didn’t know what to say, you just stared at your boy standing in front of you with full vulnerability. He was bound to snap at some moment.
“This means nothing, you know that right?” You raised the hand you held to meet with his eye level, but he didn't budge as you saw a tear fall off the side of his face. This is when you absolutely broke inside, all focus and concentration on the boy in front of you.
“George, tell me you get it.” He finally met your eyesight for the first time but he said nothing.
“I am nothing, and I am left with nothing.” He muttered it ever so quietly, and it took you a minute to register.
He removed his hand from yours and began walking away from you, not even bothering to turning around.
“What about your family? School?” He continued up the stairs. “What about me, George?” You knew this would get a reaction from him, but you were wrong. He didn’t even flinch at your words. He was gone.
You were so confused. You two had gone through detentions with Umbridge so many times before and separately too. It made you stronger. So why was your angel boy refusing you?
The days that followed were some of the toughest days in the semester, and it made the distance between you and George even bigger. It had now been two months since you had last spoken. You had only heard from Fred only once or twice. It was small talk, “how have you been,” “it’s so good to see you,” those types of things.
It was heartbreaking to see George in the corridors with his head down and his arms always in his pockets. He was ignoring you like never before and you were fed up with your boyfriend keeping you out. He had never been like this, and his actions affected Hogwarts in a way that was unknown to everyone.
The two twins were quieter. Jokes and pranks were not told the same if it wasn’t coming straight from them. Fred was much more stable than his twin, but something that night happened, and you didn’t know why it was their breaking point. They had only fret a little bit the first time with Umbridge, what had happened? Their mental health just- dropped, out of nowhere, and you didn’t know what to do.
He had always been there for you no matter how hard you pushed him away from anger and pain, but you knew that he was there. If it was from a difficult test to a difficult day with Umbridge, he was ready to handle all of you. You just didn’t realize why he couldn’t react the same way when it came to him.
And it’s not like you hadn't tried to reach out to him. You waited on him even after that night in the common room and you made it clear that your feelings for him did not change even after his words. You were there for him just as he was for you. but that changed once you realized he was going to keep passing you and ignoring you.
As of a few weeks ago though, things started to get better. The twins began to mess with Umbridge a lot more, and they were acting as if they would never see her ever again. You had seen them at Hogsmeade with their friend, Lee, just looking around at the vacant buildings and picking locks to get in to view them. It was nice to see your angel smile again, but you knew it had nothing to do with you.
You had decided to end it- officially. Title and everything to be gone. You were no longer going to be George Weasley’s significant other. You two were done once you said the words and there was no going back. You decided that you were going to tell him tonight in the Gryfinndor common room. It was a Saturday, so you would tell him, and then you would go to Hogsmeade with all your friends. Infact, they were the ones urging you to get it over with.
You had been planning it for a week and it hurt to think about it. You always thought George was your end game, your dream boy, your angel. And he was, but things changed and it felt like you were no longer his. He slipped even though you held on to him. You were sick of being ignored. Mental health is not a joke to you, but at this point, it felt like he was purposefully ignoring you. He didn’t even lift his head when you spoke or interacted with him.
Before your crafted plan and Hogsmeade hang-out with your friends, you had to write a five-page essay on the ‘Importance of Frog Parts in 18th Century Magic’ at the library.
You had sat a few tables down from you and George’s usual spot. It was a beautiful one too, as it was right under a light fixture that added a golden hue on your work. It was in a perfect spot too. It was where there wasn’t very heavy foot traffic and with no scratches on the table that hitched your quill when you wrote. You missed the table, but you missed your boyfriend more.
Just as you were finishing up the last line of your strange topic essay, you felt a presence around you.
You looked up to see George Weasley looking at you nervously. “Can I sit?”
You were in shock. It was almost as if he read your mind about later on. This was just going to be way easier.
“Okay, but just know i’m leaving.” He quickly sat down next to you and tried to grab your hand but you snatched it away.
He was visibly hurt by that action, but you did not care after all he had put you through these past two months.
“Run away with me.” He didn’t tear apart from your gaze as he was longing for it for two months.
“George, are you kidding m-” You never got to finish your sentence as he rudely interrupted you.
“My sweet remedy, run away with me.” The last word was sharp. He continued, and you were oblitterated by this. So, you did something you had never done before. You got up briskly, his eyes following you, and you slapped him across the face.
“You have no right, George Weasley. You couldn’t look me in the eyes for two months, and now you want me to ‘run away with you’? What kind of sick joke is that you-”
He got up and met your height.
“Please, just hear me out. I’ll beg if I have to.” His eyebrows were brought together and his eyes scanned your face in hopes of getting some type of emotion from you. He didn’t even react to the slap.
Ignoring him, you pushed him aside after you grabbed your quill and essay to exit the library. You heard footsteps after you but you ignored them.
“What can I do, please [y/n], love-”
You turned around at the pet name he used for you. “That was revoked when you said that you had nothing in life when you knew you did. You have a loving family, a beautiful future, and a life to live. How dare you be so selfish in front of someone who would do anything for your happiness. You have no clue what it is like to have nothing in life, and you have no clue what it is to be nothing. You are far from nothing, George. Look at how quiet Hogwarts has been without you. Look at how people look up to you. What about them?” You were practically yelling at this point. The hallway was empty and you were facing your boyfriend now.
“What about them, George? Umbridge had no clue what she was trying to transfer when she made you write that with the stupid quill, how could you let that go to your head? George, I was there for you when you needed me and I know that you knew, so how dare you say that you have nothing.” You were too angry and busy to cry, you did not even suffer through a voice crack during your rant.
“I didn’t know how to face you after that, but if you listen to me I promise I will explain.” He was inching closer to you, but you were backing away.
“And why would I do that, Weasley?” He flinched at the use of his last name. He was losing you.
“Fred and I are leaving. We found a shop for our stuff. You know, all the inventions. In Hogsmeade, too. It’s all done, and I want you to come with.” Your face remained the same.
You couldn’t believe that he had done that all in a span of two months. In secret too. He was hopeful still, and you let your walls down.
“They’ll continue to terrorize us with new confusion. They’ll continue to paralyze us with those illusions. They won’t stop. Love, come run away with me.” He was slowly walking towards you and he grabbed your hands and, foolishy, because of love, you let him.
“Please, [y/n], follow me to life and love within. A new horizon, elsewhere. I will show you rapture, love. Just let me.”
He held your hands in his and raised them with every ending of his sentence. He was teary eyed and because of that, and that only, you began to think it over.
Normally you stuck to your word, but your sweet boy was at your mercy and you couldn’t stand to see him like this anymore.
“Why did you leave, George. Why would you do that?” You muttered it after a silence between you two. Your head was down and unfortunately, you let a tear slip through your guard.
He let go of one hand and bent down a bit frantically, pushing a few strands of shorter hair behind your ear and trying to tilt your head. His expression was so emotionally distraught, you couldn't take it anymore as you felt that single tear leave you. You moved your head away from his hand as he continued to meet your eyes.
“Just answer me.” You were strict on a response.
He slowly dropped his hand and stayed quiet.
At this point you lost it. The tears just came.
“Damn it, Weasley. Why would you do that?! What did I do to deserve that? I was there for you and you chose to ignore me!” Your fists were balled and they were hitting his chest, pushing him away with every word you spoke, making his vulnerability collapse as he began to let his tears leave him too, marking his sweet face you had kissed a million times before into a streaky mess.
You stopped pushing him away on your final sentence and you waited a response from him.
Instead, you were both sobbing in front of one another, lips quivering and eyebrows crinkled from emotion. You tilted your head and you let it drop before picking it up to see George sniffle and run his hands through his short hair.
He walked to you and took your waist, putting his head in the crook of your shoulder and neck and just began to sob into your skin. Your arms went to his neck and you held onto him- tightly.
He could finally let go all his emotional distraught and you just cried even more.
He was sobbing like never before and your heart broke as you held the boy that once held you the same way, still angry at the absence of him and angry that it took him this long to come to you as he was now.
“I just couldn’t t-take it anymore, [y/n]. I thought I could but I can’t. I’m sorry, I am so, so, so, sorry my love.” He stayed in your arms and you held him tighter as soon as you heard that stutter escape his lips. He fell apart in front of you and he had wished he had done it sooner. It felt good to let go.
He pulled away from you and he grabbed your face which was matching up to his- puffy and wet.
“[y/n], please, run away with me. Forgive me and run away with me. I can’t do it without you, love. I couldn’t focus on a-anything when you weren’t beside me. I can promise you that when Fred and I agreed to leave, you were the first thing that came to mind.” His stutter continued to this statement and you didn’t know if it was truly what he meant or if it was rather what you wanted to hear.
“You are the first and you’ll be the last. I’m sorry for everything, [y/n]. But please, take this chance and follow me somewhere better.”
You were hesitant. It was two months of nothing. Silence. No communication. But your poor boy was so ruined and dragged that you couldn’t help but take pity on him.
“It’s on Diagon Alley, right on a corner. You’ll love it, I promise. There’s nothing for us here to do. The shop has been a thought forever and we’re finally making it a reality, [y/n].”
It was dead silent. There was no one in the hall. The light was dimmed and the windows beside you to your left revealed the Black Lake.
“Not coming to you was a mistake, I want you to know that I regret it. I shut myself out to everyone and I want to ask to come back if you’ll let me.”
All this time you were readying yourself to break up with him, but the sound of his voice cracking and the way his hands cupped your face was so longing and needy, that you couldn’t think about leaving him. He was simultaneously still leaning down to match your eyesight and you saw him flicker across your face.
“Please.” He pleaded one more time and ran his thumb across your cheek to wipe a tear away.
“When.” You stated simply. He was a ride or die, and you were the same to him. You were his, and he was yours, there was no denying it. This was the exact moment where you realized that it was truly unfair to punish him.
Two months of silence took a toll on your relationship but it’s different when they’re your ride or die. You waited for him, and you could not blame him anymore for his delay on returning. He needed time, and he knew you were there for him. You knew it all along, but you were blinded by the absence.
“What?” His eyes lit up.
“When, George. When are you leaving?”
His eyebrows separated from their temporary creasing and he looked at you with something that could only be described as desire.
Longing for you, he went in for a kiss that felt like the missing piece to all your problems.
You kissed him back with the same need you both experienced, grabbing the back of his head to deepen it, not stopping for a single breath as your bodies collided. Your book bag fell but you were too busy burning away with your one and only.
You pulled away and you put a hand to the side of his face. You had to lean away a bit because his arms had trapped you to him with hands on your mid back, they were bent a bit at your side but firm as if he could lose you any moment.
He melted to your touch and he explained his plan.
“Well, we want to leave tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” You were surprised.
“Yes, love. Tomorrow. We decided it a few days ago and I want to take you with me, but I understand if you can’t.” His smile faded a bit at those last few days and he even looked down a bit to avoid your gaze.
You took the hand that was on his face and you used it to lift him up to meet your eyes.
“The year ends in a week, will you still want me, sweet boy?” You grazed his face again and tilted your own as you awaited an answer. You knew he loved to be called ‘sweet boy’.
“I’ll still want you even if you tell me to wait forty years. I’ll want you forever, if you’ll have me, of course.”
His confidence was back and you could hear it too. But still with that fact, tears coated his face. You didn’t know if it was from happiness or from the stored away sadness that was finally realeased to run.
“What’d you say, [y/n]. Come run away with me.”
You went in to kiss him, letting a cry escape your lips before you connected. You tasted salty tears and as was he, but you couldn’t be happier in this moment.
The next day was a day you would never forget. The great hall was finally brought back to life after their big entrance, and after it you were in the courtyard watching your boyfriend and his direct copy of a twin joke around on their brooms.
You finally saw that sweet smile strike his face again and you knew that everything that was to come would be good and calm, nothing like what you two had endured in your last weeks at Hogwarts.
They kicked up their brooms after their final goodbyes with everyone and they even threw a few more fireworks in the air. Faces including yours lit up and you knew that he was the one.
He looked down one last time, and he smiled at you from above. It was something you missed receiving.
#george wealsey imagine#george weasley#george wealsey x you#george weasley x y/n#george weasley x reader#george#weasley#weasley x reader#hogwarts#hogwarts seventh year#gender neutral character#angst#george weasley angst#george weasley x neutral reader#harry potter
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This is going to be my feelings/opinions towards all of the main characters in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. This is directly related to my interpretation of events in the series! If you disagree with my thoughts/feelings that’s totally cool but this isn’t meant to be a debate!
A lot has been going on right now and I don’t have the energy to do much digital art right now, so I figured I’d just open up a little more about one of my favorite series! Maybe I’ll do my opinions on characters for the other games next.
** This post will contain information that will spoil the series for you, so continue at your own risk**
Makoto Naegi:
Honestly I really like Makoto. He is really average but honestly I think that’s what makes him so appealing. Not only that, but he comes off with a type of charisma that only “average” people can pull off. He has a base knowledge on a variety of subjects that allows him to talk to the other students. That and I find the concept of his “luck” very interesting. Also, side note, but that sprite of him focusing with his finger under his chin is probably one of my most favorite DR sprites ever. It’s just so cute! (I might redraw it someday hehe)
Aoi Asahina:
While I adore Hina, I really wish that they would have made her more than just a ditzy character who was obsessed with donuts in this game. I loved her energy though! Her interactions with everyone always made me smile. My appreciation for her character just increased exponentially after watching the Despair Arc of Danganronpa 3. All in all I’m super glad that her character survived in THH.
Byakuya Togami:
Honestly, I have mixed feelings about Byakuya. I think he’s a great antagonistic character, truly, but beyond that I’m not sure. I definitely think that his character is humbled throughout the course of the game, and in later games/animes he seems a lot less asshole-ish, but I’m not sure if I like him or hate him. I guess that just goes to show just how great he is as an antagonist. One thing I thought was hilarious though was how he casually admitted to being a true-crime nerd. I’m really glad he survived because I think his “talent” was really important for the Future Foundation.
Celestia Ludenberg:
Okay so real talk, I used to be a huge Celestia fan when I first stumbled across the series. But now, I don’t really like her character all that much. I think that out of all of the killers in THH her motive was the most shallow and that really is terrible considering how much potential she had. Her disconnect with her true identity could have made for an interesting character arc. And I really hate how they gave her literally the most complicated murder scheme when it would make sense for her to take a little risk as possible. Her character design is really cute though.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
I think Chihro’s death was one of the hardest for me in the game. I played through all of his freetime events and was super attached to him (I know, a horrible idea in a game like DR), and as soon as he died I was just in shock. One thing I love about how they portrayed his character was truly allowing the brilliance of Chihiro shine through even after his death. He created the AI that not only helped aid in their escape, but ultimately saved Makoto's life. I also really liked the juxtaposition of Chihiro and Mondo (the seemingly weaker one ultimately being stronger after all). All in all, Chihiro is a great character.
Hifumi Yamada:
I’m not really a fan of Hifumi, but I definitely think he gets wayy too much hate or just gets overlooked completely. I think that the creators leaned a bit too far into the stereotypes for him, and that made him come off as stiff and just… there. I knew from the very beginning that he wouldn’t survive, and honestly he’s the only character I had that feeling with (minus Leon). There are some quirks about him that I like, though, like how he never fails to refer to the others politely.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
So I originally found Taka annoying but after playing THH again he became one of my favorite characters. I find his enthusiasm adorable and his free time events boosted my admiration of him. He’s the only Ultimate that makes a conscious effort to prove himself and not rely on his prodigy-type status. And his relationship with Mondo, albeit short-lived, was so pure. It was so obvious to me that he was happy to have a friend (because Mondo is the first friend he’s ever had), and having that suddenly ripped away and listening to his desperation at the end of chapter 2 made me sob.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Kiri’s background made me feel really sad for her. I first thought she was just the aloof, cold, smart type that was a bit snobbish. But then you realize that she’s been raised to not be in the spotlight, to work alone and without credit behind the scenes. Detective work is basically her birthright and she’s clung to that like a vice. Her character development throughout the game was really nice, and I think her and Makoto are super cute for each other. The side plot with her and her dad in DR3 made me really sad, too. I really liked overall that she was unapologetically holding true to her beliefs, even if it made her come off as cold. She was a solid, strong female character.
Leon Kuwata:
It was super obvious from the beginning that Leon was gonna die. There was 0 attachment to his character for me and he just came off as just...kinda there. I don’t really have much to say about him, other than that I’m not a fan.
Mondo Owada:
Mondo was such a big sweetheart in his freetime events. I thought his character was really well rounded and I was so sad that he ended up killing Chihiro. Despite that, I thought it worked really well for the story and played off of both of their weaknesses. Again I really loved his friendship with Taka, and having it formed and ended so quickly surprisingly hurt.
Sakura Oogami:
Honestly I didn’t like how they made her character the spy, because it seemed ridiculously out of character for her. Honestly I think this would be something better suited to Celeste, as she would view it as a way to increase her chances of living if she’s in “kahoots” with him. I dunno, I think the spy thing was unnecessary anyways. I loved her character though and her friendship with Hina was super cute. I also loved how they mentioned that she wanted to embrace her femininity while also not wanting to give up being the strongest person in the world.
Sayaka Maizono:
Honestly even though I’m not the biggest fan of Sayaka I really like the role she played at the beginning and I think they played it off perfectly. Her desperation fueled by the fear and harsh reality that comes along show business and easily being forgotten really works in the narrative. She seemed like a well-rounded character but I think that if she had lasted past chapter 1 I would have liked her less. All in all her character did a great job of kicking off everything.
Toko Fukawa:
I hate how they portrayed her character in THH, but her obsessive and odd behavior (outside of her split personality) is easily explained by her traumatic past. She obviously has a warped sense of what “love” is, and that plus her intense delusions turned into obsession for Byakuya. I started loving her character a lot more in UDG, when she started becoming more well rounded and open around Komaru.
Also, I loved Genocider Syo’s personality. While I obviously don’t condone serial murders, I think that her character is extremely interesting. She doesn’t try and condone her own actions, admitting there is no rhyme or reason. Plus I think it’s really interesting that she considers herself a “professional” and is incredibly particular about the details.
Overall 6/10 in THH
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
I feel like Hiro gets a lot of shit as a character because they think he doesn’t contribute anything. I think he adds a lot of much-needed comic relief. Also I think that everyone glosses over the fact that once Taka goes silent he actually tries to encourage him to speak up again. And then tries to do his part and keep everyone together and upbeat. I really think that Hiro is a fun character who deserves more love, even though I can’t say he’s one of my favorites.
Mukuro Ikusaba:
I wish Mukuro’s personality would have been able to actually show through in the game. The only glimpse we really see of it is in the bonus school mode while she is still posing as Junko. I wish in the anime they’d have harped less on her odd obsession with Junko and focused more on her internal struggle. I think her character has potential but I can’t say I was particularly attached to her (I suppose that was kind of the point, though).
Junko Enoshima:
Junko is probably one of the most well-written villains I have ever seen in a series. At first I thought it didn’t make sense, and was confused how one person could have so much influence on a mass amount of people. Then it was revealed in later installments that Ultimate Fashionista was not her real talent, just a cover she forged for herself to help her blend in to the school. Her real ultimate talent as the Ultimate Analyst allowed her to predict people’s actions and more importantly, their reactions. Her innate ability and incurable boredom made her seek out something unpredictable: despair and chaos. I think what made me love her as a villain was the line “You can’t argue with me, because there's no reason for anything that I do.”
As a villain I give her 15/10. If I were to rank her as a person? -11037/10
Overall Opinion:
I really find most of the characters charming but it’s super obvious when comparing this game to the others that these characters were not as fleshed out as characters in other games. I found it hard to be super attached to most of them and felt that some of their actions were really uncharacteristic. However I really do like the characters and what they add to the story, even if some of it doesn’t add up completely. I’m the least attached to these characters out of all of the characters in the DR series, although there are obviously some exceptions. I think there couldn’t have been a better opening cast of characters.
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Episode #8: “I'll Fall on the Sword” ~ Charlotte

Let me be like my favourite simpson and Merge. GOD

UGH I THOUGHT WE WERE MCFUCKING MERGING JFLADKJFALSD ANYWAYS I GUESS NOT!!!!!! I'm happy with how tribal panned out but GOD this is an ugly turn of events! At least I don't have school tomorrow and the vote went how it should have. I was in auditions for over four hours tonight and I wasn't able to game talk like AT ALL but I love my allies and they covered it for me. I'm so happy! I think that maybe after THIS vote we'll merge or something... I don't know. Why didn't we merge at 13 if Duncan's power is like??? You know??? You can run and hide from final 13 to final 10 idk it's just weird. And ugh I just,,,,, I WANT TO WIN THIS CHALLENGE SO I DONT HAVE TO VOTE OUT RUTHIE OR KEVIN FDKAKFSD this sucks. I like them both. I'd rather Kevin than Ruthie but that might be difficult because of like,,, how this vote went down lmao. But it was cute how Autumn, Ruthie, and Kevin didn't even stick together after that 3-3-1 vote like WOW JFKDSJFLKAS iconic and I love it. Now I'm hungry and I'm gonna go eat something bye

I literally hate this task challenge with a passion I don't have the reaction time for it rip me and my life and my tribe

I'm forever an Emily & Owen stan but can they go to sleep. PLEATHE

Not to be full of myself but I did #that and more. I mean I'd like to think it was my move bc I suggested her name first so. Her vote said that I was like playing both sides but tbh I wasn't even playing her side at all??? (I accidentally forgot to message her skdkdkd) I just hope that doesn't like...marr my reputation, as small as it already is. Anyways I'm upset about no merge and just hoping we can win this challenge because we were already uncertain last time who knows what'll happen tomorrow night.

Plz ask for a mutiny so I can go to the other tribe even though they are losing please and THANK YOU
CameronI think I speak for the entirety of Loronha when I say I HATE YOU OWEN AND EMILY ________________________________________________________________ *narrator voice* he does not have faith in his tribe

If I was a Pokémon I’d be Ekans. Hiss hiss
Losing this badly is so hard to deal with after winning so well the last few rounds. I so desperately want to make merge, you know? And if this is the thing that does me in... well that would suck.
this is the most DISHEARTENING challenge, we are always just a second behind the other team and i am so frustrated and sad and everyone on our tribe is trying their hardest but it's just not working for us

I love losing. It's okay, I'll fall on the sword if we do lose bc I literally couldn't do any of these tasks because I am an adult and I have to work.
I’m really sad and disheartened and this is so so so devastating. This is the first time in any game where I’ve felt this close to a group of people and I’m so upset that one of us has to leave. We tried so damn hard and we were so close and I’m so upset and sad and I. Want to cry

i cant believe i won!!! im shaking!!! ali is the devil but we won anyway because god always prevails over evil amen!!! britain tell me how my ass tastes!!!! can we please merge!!!
I hate being mad like this. I hate feeling like I want to scream at people and tell them how angry I am. But that's how I feel, so I'm gonna put it in a confessional. Emily and Owen, I'm so sorry in the future and know that likely 10 hours from now I'm not gonna feel this way but. FUCK YOU EMILY AND OWEN. DO YOU FOOLS NEVER SLEEP? DO YOU NOT HAVE LIVES? EMILY DONT YOU GO TO SCHOOL? DID YOU SKIP SCHOOL TO DO THIS CHALLENGE? WHAT THE HELL!

I'm glad my tribe won even though I wish there was a mutiny where they could have lost a TON of points and lost one of their own in the 'Alliance Against Ruthie TM'

i cant fucking believe i got 5 points for steamed hams, and then emily said eggs was a fun fact and ruined my only contrifuckinbution! i still love her but kdjshgkjdshgkdjshhkj

You all know me as the heartless meanie who lost his shit multiple times during Azores, but right now I'm gonna fucking cry I don't wanna have to vote anyone off this tribe. Like I thought I felt bad before making the move against Madison or having to give up on trying to save Jack, but this is the absolute HARDEST thing that's happened yet. Even if it's Charlotte because apparently she wants us to vote her out, I'm still gonna be crying during this one. This sucks.

Someone from Loronha is winning this game. No ifs, no buts. We all fought SO HARD to win. So hard. And we all got so many points, despite the odds and just stuff being against us. With my strategy, any plans I had of voting against Dana/Will/Cameron? they are gone. I love them all SO MUCH, and have no intention of voting them out. At merge, the war on Atalaia begins. ________________________________________________________________ Like ugh I love me some Emily but come merge? Emily and Lily are outta here.

Thank GOD we won that challenge. I did SO MUCH and if we had lost I would’ve probably wanted Kevin to go home since he contributed the least to the competition at least from what I saw. And also, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I did SO MUCH for our tribe. Like whenever I was at auditions or sleep they were like,,,, we need Emily!! Like? That’s a good feeling. Don’t vote me out because I’m pulling my weight hehe! But also why the fuck did they need me so bad these things aren’t hard you just gotta be speedy!! Whatever. Also I cracked an egg on my head for no reason. I’m the queen of eggs though so it’s fine.

There's something especially depressing about the fact that Charlotte is so willing to go, whether it's because she really is truly over the game or she has stuff going on... It's just sad watching a pseudo-quit like this happen, especially coming off of last night's outright devastation. If y'all thought the Emily boot in Azores was sad (when literally everyone cried on live cam), then this is gonna be even worse - idk how but it's worse. But looking at the bright side, at least it's gonna get me through to the next round.

Charlotte has asked/offered to go tonight which I really respect and appreciate. I am so devastated to see her go though. Charlotte is an icon, a legend, an inspiration. She is truly the most justified all star in this cast. Come merge, the Loronha tribe is literally going to be F6. I'm speaking it into existence. ________________________________________________________________ God Charlotte going tonight is gonna be such a tragedy. But unfortunately a queen must fall for an empire to arise. Its time for the Loronha dynasty to begin.

Hi I feel awful about everything and this game is making me have a heart which should honestly be a crime. As long as I am not being tricked by everybody on my tribe (always a possibility, I am impossible to blindside), I think Charlotte is going home on her own accord tonight. I feel SO bad about it, but at the same time I think she would have gone home either way (idol plays aside), which I'm not sure she expected. Also i'm feeling kind of good about the game right now because I think the dynamics on both tribes are good for me going into a merge situation. 1) Will and Duncan aren't close, and I'm close with both of them. 2) Duncan is close with Zach, who I am close with, and will use for information and then vote out expediently so I can win (probably tbd). 3) I still have my alliances from both my tribes with most members in tact (rip Autumn a quen) 4) I didn't even have to lie to anybody yet.. Wig! I just withheld a lot of information, but weirdly, people have been spilling their game tea to me which honestly ya girl loves! 5) Everyone i'm working with wants Emily out and amazing because i sure do too. 6) Ashvika is close to Duncan and also mad that Autumn was voted out, me too girl. Ok wig I have more thoughts but umm this is all for now ladies. See u on the flip side hopefully xoxo

I have no idea whether I’ve done a confessional or not this round and ideally it’s not my last one. So Loronha finally lost again after WE DIDNT MERGE AT 13! *side eyes emoji* and honestly the tribe’s moral was shot, right in the gut. Like they all felt so bad about losing it must’ve beeen a rush to be a part of that challenge. Lots of emotions are out and people are in their feels. Apparently Charlotte is very okay with going home and says she has no ulterior motives. I wanted Cameron out first but if Charlotte is willing to go and wants us to vote her out, who am I to stand in her way? I ain’t shit. And I know if I was in that position I’d prefer to go home too. I just don’t think she was as invested as she should’ve been and she realizes that. It’s just sad and I hope she’s not fronting and that we Merge soon.

I THINK I'M MAKING MERGE GIRLIES!!!!!!!! So, with that, I'm going to talk about all the people left in the game and my opinions on them for merge because I've been slacking on confessionals this round!
Okay starting with Ali: Ali has an idol and I'm hoping I'm the only one that knows that still. I'm a little worried not being on his tribe right now because 1. he could build closer relationships with people that are not me 2. he could tell other people about his idol 3. he could tell other people I know about his idol. 3 is bad because then people will know Ali and I are very close. Though I haven't been discreet about any of my relationships in the game thus far, I guess another very out there tie to a player will just? Happen? I guess? I don't know. I'm definitely going to spill all the tea from our 3-3-1 6-0 vote because he's going to get the tea eventually and I'd rather it be from me. I also wonder how close Ali and Duncan are right now because I remember them being a bit rocky before the joint tribal, so who can be sure? I can't.
Ashvika: Really sweet girl and I'm glad we got Autumn out. Ashvika was wanting to save Autumn during the joint tribal and that means they were close, especially because they just played together. I figure Ashvika and Duncan are close because of what I know from Duncan. I wonder if that relationship is still in tact or if Ashvika is now closer to Will and Dana. I remember them being close for some reason. This could be inaccurate but? Idk.
Charlotte: I honestly don't know where I stand with Charlotte! I have no idea where her allegiances are and like? I just really don't know. I remember her and Zach being close but now that they're on different tribes, I don't know where she stands. And I also know that Duncan low key wanted Charlotte out in the earlier days of this game so like... she could be going out next because of her lack of allies and Duncan kind of wanting her out. I don't know how much power Duncan has over there. But also, Charlotte got Jack's vote last time Elaenia went to tribal council so... it's likely? I guess? I don't know. We'll see.
Dana: I don't really know much about Dana other than her and Will are tight. And Zach. And probably Ashvika. That's going to have to be a group I either 1. work with or 2. look out for when we merge. I can just like... sense it. But I also think that Will and Ali are close and then Dana and Zach are close and they're my closest allies so like??? Ali and Zach can probably keep me safe or at least differ targets off my back if my name happens to come up. And I like that!
Duncan: I love Duncan. He has an idol. Idk who else knows other than Ali and I. I hope that's it. Oh wait this is me remembering mid-type that I told Lily about Duncan's idol lol. FUNNY EMILY anyways. Lily probably won't tell. I hope she doesn't. Whew. I think Duncan should be okay 1. because he has an idol 2. because he like??? has a good social game?? I'm hoping to see him in merge.
Kevin: Honestly don't know how I feel about him because we saved him last round but he voted for Lily the round before and like... wtf I don't like that? fjkldsfalsd I thought he and Lily were TIGHT and then he just goes around and votes Lily out like WOW idk man. I know he's my secret santa but he's SKETCHY!!! If we were to have gone to tribal this round, I would've wanted to vote him out. I know that's flip-floppy because we saved him last round and kept Ruthie out of the loop but that's the truth lol
Lily: My absolute fav person ever!!! In a game sense, I would say I'm like ... 4th closest to her. Zach, Ali, and Owen are above her. But everything else I love her! She has that vote negator and I'm happy she FINALLY got something good from the arch*p*l*go!!
Cameron: Love him love him love him! I feel like we won't work together in this game though. Not sure why I just... don't see it happening? It might. We shall see. He reminds me to take my medicine every night. I <3 him. And for the short period of time we've been together in this game I've been decently honest with him. He was one of the few people I told before the Madison vote that I was gonna vote for Autumn rather than Madison just because she's my friend and it hurts :( so I'm hoping he's willing to vote with me even though he thinks I'm a major snake. God.
Owen: I was doubtful about him at first but I think I've made a genuine connection with him! I was like high key scared he was gonna flip on Lily/Zach/Myself for Autumn/Kevin/Ruthie but he DIDN'T and I'm so happy about that. I really like him and he's been very helpful in challenges so I'm thankful for that!! He's so sweet and we have a snapchat streak and anyone that puts up with my streaks is a blessing
Ruthie: I really love Ruthie and keeping her out of the loop last vote was really something dksjfkasld I'm sad that it happened but like we needed to just in case an idol was played or something. I hope she's willing to work with me later down the line but I think our relationship definitely needs some healing.
Will: Love Will and I really hope we can ACTUALLY work together this game! I know things were messy with the Madison vote but I'm hoping that that doesn't get in the way of our game relationship. Though me fucking things up with Ruthie might also hinder it... I'm not sure. I think Ali and him are close and I'm close to Ali so like? Yeah keep me safe Will xoxo. Will is also definitely close to Dana since she exposed some of his tea during the scavenger hunt. I would never expose tea from any of the people I'm not close with you know? yeah they're close. Her draft name in Azores was "Dana I want Will to win" and I remember that because I had to read it like ten times to finally understand what it said
Zach: I love Zach so much and he's my number one ally despite me not like telling him about either one of Ali or Duncan's idols lmao. Ugh I just love Zach so much and I trust him with ??? MY LIFE????? I'd go to rocks for him I love him. He's so honest with me (I think) and I just love him omgjdklfjaskldflasd god I love Zach he's great he's so sweet I can tell we're going to stay friends after this which is my favorite thing about him!! AHHHHH!!
Well this confession was super long and I started it around 3:00 and I'm just now submitting it (7:27 PM lol)
Charlotte becomes the 8th person voted out of Athena All Stars in a 7-0 vote. You can see Charlotte’s preseason interview here.
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